Wednesday, January 30, 2019

where's Jack??

Bob and I realized ( middle of the morning) that we hadn't seen Jack since we got up. Both of us hunted all over the house - garage, attic, closets, behind the floor length curtains - and so on. No Jack. We even wondered whether he had gotten out when I went for the paper at the end of the driveway. Jack has never tried to go out... but we worried anyway!
Then Bob had an idea and got out the container of cat treats. Rattling it , Jack came running. From where... we have no idea, other than upstairs since he flew down the stairs!!
Treats were tossed for both. They love chasing the little things across the kitchen floor !

1 comment:

Joanne Noragon said...

It's such a start to lose a cat! Mine won't eat treats; they might contain medicine. The only thing that "calls" him is catnip, but then I would have to liberally douse the floors with it.