Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Hello October...

 Today starts October... but the weather report says things will be getting warmer on Thursday but today's high 60's is great.. Up and down just like the rest of the past weeks!!

My grandson also had a reaction to the covid test.. managed to make it to two of his required classes but had to email the teachers for the rest...Everyone else didn't have a problem!

I tried a new recipe tonight... good  but not great. The one part that made it worth the try was a batch of polenta. I had never made it before and finding coarse ground cornmeal meant several stores! I ended up with medium ground cornmeal but it worked.

Since I have more cornmeal maybe I will try putting the just cooked polenta in a pan, letting it firm up overnight so it can be sliced and fried. I think I have seen Lydia  on PBS do that.

Tomorrow means a trip downtown KC... haircut time!!