Wednesday, May 8, 2024

sitting in the basement

Tornado sirens went off at midnight Monday night!!! We were getting ready for bed but got dressed instead and headed off for our safe spot in the basement.... a corner under the front steps with no windows etc. Got our folding charis and settled in... Sirens wailing outside... rain and thunder.

Our daughters called to make sure we were ok... one on Bob's cell... the other on the landline!!

The daughter on the landline was having her electricity go on and off!

Finally the sirens stopped... and we went back to bed.

A F1 tornado hit Grain Valley - next town east- at a RV selling site. RV's moved around and one demolished. The tornado seems to have skipped the campground next door!!

Looks like this will be an active tornado season... keeping our basement safe area set up!

1 comment:

Kathy G said...

The sirens went off at our house. I slept through them, but Hubby woke up enough to turn on the radio and find out the issue was nowhere close to our house before he went back to sleep.