Tuesday, July 25, 2023


 Away???.. not exactly. Tigger's bite morphed into a huge infection that seemed to grow daily. The tetanus/diphtheria shot and oral antibiotics weren't enough. So Urgent Care ( on a return visit) recommended a trip to the ER. There I sat in a bed for 6 hours waiting for a bed and to be admitted. That was Saturday..

After more tests I spent DAYS on IV antibiotics...yay.  The hospital sent me home yesterday with a 10 day prescription for strong oral antibiotics. My leg looks almost normal and no longer is hot to the touch and " hurty".

Tigger better not do that again!!

 Bob brought everything I needed... visited as much as we could stand.. Sitting a  hospital bed hooked up to an IV is BORING ! My daughters visited too!


Kathy G said...

Oh no! Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery.

maureenlthompson said...

Oh dear, that is not good at all. I hope you continue to get better quickly. Take care.XXXXX