Sunday, June 18, 2023

What a morning... evening celebration will follow

Heavy heavy thunder woke me around five... no lightning though. It rattled on and off for about two hours but very little rain.... but that changed ! I unloaded the dishwasher and made a cup of coffee and was going out for the Sunday paper ( don't want to miss a whole section of funnies) when the sky opened up and it poured and I mean poured. We got about an inch in 15  minutes!!

When that was done it was off to the grocery store for the last minute things for Dom's 17th birthday affair this evening!! Food will be typical summer stuff ... like hot dogs, beans, chips ,salads, ice cream and cake!! I bought  Styrofoam plates to make cleaning up "easier"!!

The "celebration" went well and the weather co-operated. We all sat out on the deck and talked etc. till it was time to eat. Dom's requested cake was his Mother's chocolate no-flour cake with granache  (sp?) frosting!! Yum


1 comment:

Donna. W said...

We only got 4/10ths of an inch here, but the garden appreciated it.