Sunday, May 28, 2023

more small steps to normalacy

 Am working my way... sleeping in my bed and not the recliner and sleeping longer!! Hooray! Getting to the point where I can use my right arm... like brushing my teeth!

I have been adding flowers and herbs to my boxes on the deck's railings. Since the deck is on the second floor plants get dry quick... which meant lugging water from the kitchen to the plants. Not any longer! we purchased a hose that is narrow and curly to attach to the faucet on ground level... just go downstairs, turn on the water and "voila" I can water my flowers and herbs. We'll see how successful this is in August when Blue Springs gets really hot and sunny!

Bob and I bought Cirque du Soleil tickets at a fundraiser auction  for teacher daughter and her  family. The show as yesterday afternoon and they all enjoyed it!!! The seats were fantastic and in a suite... up high so they could see everything!!

School is done for the year... for the first time in all my daughter's years of teaching ( 21 plus) she will not be teaching summer school... we are planning some fun stuff!

1 comment:

Donna said...

Enjoy the extra time with your daughter!
Like the hose idea!