Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Scary day

 Bob went into the hospital for another stent... they did three... but that was not the scary part. Evidently he has the flu as well and while  he was doing the after surgery bit he started shaking with chills and fever!! All sorts of nurses coped...they did a sonogram to make sure the stents were fine...blood work... doctors came...lots of fluids...relaxers and so on!

When his blood pressure and heart rate was "good"  I was sent home ( I had watched all of this from a nearby chair) and finally they sent Bob to the ICU.

He was not in the mood for company this morning... he just wanted to sleep... so I left him to it and went home. This afternoon he texted saying he was getting dressed and being discharged. Off I went and brought him home where we both napped in our recliners.


Terra said...

Well that sounds stressful and exhausting for you both, and glad to hear he is at home. Home is often the place where we can best relax and heal.

DrumMajor said...

Whew! That was a good recovery, but after all of the poking and checking with vital signs and ICU noise, home is the best place to get some real sleep. You've already earned your nursing degree; be sure and follow instructions. Try a probiotic capsule opposite the times he takes any antibiotic. It will help diminish the chance of diarrhea caused by the antibiotic. Linda in Kansas