Sunday, December 4, 2022

Back to normal??

Thanksgiving leftovers have been eaten. Our grandson is home from Hawaii- I swear he slept for over 24 hours when he crashed in his bed!  Christmas shopping for our senior adoptees is progressing. Older daughter delivering gifts for the family adoptees for her non-profit!! .....and on and on!

Our baby tree is up and waiting to be decorated.  The "greenery" is up on the stair railings. I'll be bringing down the storage tote of "Annalee's". The fireplace mantle looks empty without Santa, his wife and elf with the wicker sleigh ...AND all the reindeer including Rudolf and some babies!!

It has been too cold and unpleasant for Bob to put up the outside lights... when when the weather
does a Missouri flip and gets warmer... out he goes!

Shopping for our seniors did not go as planned... packaged muffin mixes using water only were not available. Ones using milk were.. so here's hoping these will work. Canned hams for Christmas dinner are not available nor will they be in the near future according to our grocery store's customer service! Spam or canned corned beef don't seem promising... will have to hunt.  Instant mashed potatoes, canned green beans and canned yams were found ...

Here are the Annalee's from several years ago...

1 comment:

Kay said...

You are already into the spirit of the season. I'm afraid we're having a slow start. We got the small artificial tree up, BUT somehow can't get ourselves to decorate it. Don't know what's up with that.