Thursday, July 14, 2022

summer's version of hibernating

 Bob and I have decided to hunker down inside.... it's just too HOT. The temp is currently 98. We do make a few quick trips out... when necessary ... like to the library, grocery store, craft store or quilt store.

Indoor projects that have been postponed are now being completed.  I am working on bears for the fall's upcoming shows. Bob has been going through his stash and getting ready sell we have been doing lots of reading!!

Local charities have been getting ready to provide backpacks and school  supplies for children who need them ( and their parents can't afford to supply them). There is also a charity that provides shoes.. new ones... also for needy kids.

My daughter's non-profit is one of those who provides  school supplies... "Operation backpack"  . She has been looking for "deals" and ordering enough supplies for all the backpacks her non-profit needs..... and she has asked Bob, myself, her sister, nephew etc to help get those supplies into the back packs!! Lunch will be provided for all the volunteers ( we won't be the only ones, that's for sure!)

Here's hoping it will lots cooler on August 4th!!

1 comment:

Kay said...

The work your daughter does is so valuable for all the children she is helping. Good for her. I sure hope the weather cools down for you.