Thursday, May 19, 2022

Ethnicity Inheritance ...Ancestry

 Today I received an email from They have found a way to take one's DNA and determine how much comes from each parent.  Heaven knows how they do that... but this is my result

Detailed comparison

Same data, more detail. This chart shows the percentages of each ethnicity you inherited from your parents. Added together, the percents from each parent for a region equals your percent for that region.

Region Parent 1Parent 2 You
England & Northwestern Europe
Sweden & Denmark
Germanic Europe
Eastern Europe & Russia

Looking at the data I decided that Parent1 is my Father...Parent 2 my Mother. I know my Mother's background so that seems logical. I know nothing about my Father other than his name, parents' names and that he was born in Berlin so his percentages are fascinating. One other thing I did know was that he had no Jewish heritage. When my parents were married in Germany in 1940 they were checked all the way back to the 1400's... odd little factoid wouldn't you say??   

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