Friday, April 22, 2022

Glorious day

Today has been glorious...  the temps got to mid 80's and even though it was a little windy, the sky was blue with white clouds. Everything took advantage... my lilacs are in bloom... my neighbor red dogwood 's flowers are bursting... my redbuds  are covered with little flowers!! I'm sure the iris will be blooming soon!

A friend we hadn't seen since the beginning of covid dropped by for a long chat... we are all caught up now with children and grandchildren  She's a widow with one daughter in California and one in Virginia so halfway between them both!

We had an early dinner... wonderful salmon! My grandson's , the trombone player,  high school jazz group had a concert.... of course we had to go. Met my daughter and her husband outside of the high school's concert hall and found seats. I was a little nervous. We hadn't been to a large event since covid began....Took masks just in case.  But it was ok.

Tomorrow is supposed to be wet... rats

1 comment:

Kay said...

Hawaii's COVID numbers are going up and they say it's higher than reported because people are using their home test kits instead of some place where their positive results can be recorded.