Sunday, September 19, 2021

day after day

This week has been a very unexciting one once my daughter's a/c was fixed. It has been hot and muggy and trips out to her house for doggie duty haven't been much fun.

My daughter's non-profit has been working hard organizing the huge annual fund raiser. Last year's in-person one was canceled and the virtual one did not do as well . So expectations for this year's are even higher than usual.

With all that and the  meetings going on, Scout has had to stay home. She isn't old enough to wait 8 hours for a potty beak. Harper can. We have been going out daily so the dogs can go out and have people time each afternoon!

They are so excited to hear us pull into the driveway and after a run down the deck stairs to pee they are all over us with doggie kisses !!

Wrote this yesterday but didn't post it... our life has been so boring ! Today we actually went for a walk. We are planning a trip to San Diego in the fall if our daughter's convention plans hold. We will sight see during the day while she is attending the convention and we will all spend the evenings trying out restaurants etc.   BUT we haven't been very active or doing much walking this summer so we had better get into shape!!

1 comment:

Kay said...

I know what you mean. With the pandemic all around us, we're staying close to home too.