Monday, November 30, 2020

Christmas shopping and so on

 Today is going to be a busy one.  Bob is doing laundry ( yes, I know... husbands don't usually do the laundry). I will fold and put away.

Then he is headed off to the metal recycling place. He has been dismantling electronic equipment and the steel cases need to go!  Plus we have aluminum pans leftover from Robb's wake. Doubt whether the steel will make him any money. The aluminum might... but getting all of that out of the basement will be a good thing.

Then he is going Christmas shopping... and I am not allowed along.

So... what should I be doing??  I have finished my online bear show page so all set for it to open Friday,

Later....Laundry is done for another week or so.  Bob went off on his errands.... made a little money at the metal recycling place which he promptly put in the Salvation Army Red Kettle at his next stop!! Helped some "little old lady" at the self-checkout.... and then came home!!

1 comment:

Kay said...

Your Bob is truly a wonderful, sweet and generous man! My husband just cleaned the bathroom so we're both very lucky.