Friday, December 6, 2019

Craft show....last to go to for the year??

I am headed out to a local craft show this afternoon with two of my quilting group friends. Not sure if I have anything I am particularly looking for but it should be fun.
I am taking my son's canning kettle along to give to one of my friends. It's a huge one and since I have my own I don't need another. Checked with my daughter ( she's not a canner) and she's fine with my gifting it. Another shelf emptied down in the basement.
Earlier this week we took Robb's ammo boxes off to Habitat for Humanity's thrift store. As a child Robb used them as toy boxes... his grandfather got him the first. They came from the Seneca Army Depot in NY.  Another spot emptied out !
It seems like Bob and I are finding it a little easier to find places for some of Robb's things.

I enjoyed the show... my friends knew lots of the vendors and I knew others!! Bought my son-in-law a jar of home made jam - super hot variety - which he loves. I also came home with handmade red cardinals made from muslin, stuffed and painted with acrylics. We believe that a bird in the Christmas tree is good luck. My daughter's cats have demolished the glass blown ones so this year she gets one of these!! Being red it will be easy to find when the tree get "undecorated"!

1 comment:

Joanne Noragon said...

I'm going to the last show tomorrow myself. Used to go to say hello to vendor friends, but this year I'm a vendor.