Wednesday, August 31, 2022

days plans scuttled

 Bob and I planned a trip out to Independence ( home of President Harry Truman about 15 miles west) today. First was to be a visit to the Independence farmer's market, Then a saunter around the square to see what's new. Then lunch at Ophelia's Restaurant.

When we got there we were faced with  set-ups for Independence's Santa Caligon festival. No farmer's market. All parking lots closed off. Tents being erected for craft booths. A Ferris wheel in the middle of the street - part of a carnival to be. Street parking was all filled with worker cars!

So we headed home... try again next week!! Being retired a postponement is ok...

Monday, August 29, 2022

listening to my daughter

 My teacher daughter talks to me on her hands free ( in her car) phone as she heads home each day.... today was a winner. It was raining cats and dogs with thunder and lightning which I could hear!!

She has been back to school for three weeks ( kids for two). Today her new principal has covid. The new art teacher has covid. Probably one of the custodians has covid.  One of the teachers had her car stolen and so had to cope with the police and couldn't make it to my daughter ended up spending her day doing all sorts of things as her school tried to cope!!  And things won't be any better tomorrow!

The other daughter called last night ( 9 pm)... computer problems..big ones. She was working with an IT specialist ( in India) trying to fix things. So my husband had to be part of the process... The IT person via a link accessed his computer and after a lot of things I don't understand downloaded a fix for Laurel's computer into ours. Bob then downloaded it into a memory stick. My daughter picked up the memory stick on her way home from work and will download  the fix into her computer...

Fingers crossed... the download into our computer from India took 8 hours ! While we were sleeping....

I've kept myself busy.. New bears... bear sweaters... bear hats and scarves... and reading. Tigger the tripper likes it when I read though I have to watch out that he doesn't change the pages on my kindle.


Saturday, August 27, 2022

busy week

Luckily the temps have gone down a bit.... Scout and Harper have been at work digging under the 6 foot wooden fence and even managed to break one of the slats down at the bottom. So Bob went of the Home Depot ... twice... to buy concrete pavers. Luckily he screwed a wooden 2 x 8 over the broken slat before he put a paver because Harper moved the paver!!

Yesterday we were back to work on our daughter's new deck railings...

Everyone in the family is back to school...teacher, college student and high schooler. And things are going well ( for now?).  Though teacher/daughter's school did have a lock down... gun shots heard nearby.

Went to the farmer's market this morning...fresh bread from the Mennonite booth... lots of veggies... and oatmeal craisin cookies. Yes... I could bake the bread and cookies myself, but I do like to support the market's vendors!! And the veggies taste better than those from the grocery stores!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022


 Woke up early this morning to the sound of rain!!! Not just a sprinkle but actual rain.... went back to sleep. When I woke up again and looked out of the window, I saw our newspaper sitting in the rain and that Bob had forgotten to put out the trash bin.  Luckily the trash guys were a little late...managed to get the bin out to the end of the driveway before they came!!  And to get the paper before the rain got into its plastic bag!! Success all around!!

Its now almost three hours later and it is still raining lightly!!  And the temps haven't hit 70 degrees!! 

To celebrate ( and because there is a coupon online) I have ordered a pizza for the two if us tonight!!

Celebrating that it never got hotter than the high 60's !!! Even turned off the car's a/c when picking up the pizza!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Organizing our Fall getaway

 Out elder daughter has signed up for a non-profit convention in San Antonio at the end of October.... and her sister, Bob and I are going along!! Not for the convention but for an annual celebration of Robb's ( deceased son/brother) birthday on October 30th.

So plane tickets have been bought... hotel reservations made and we have started looking around for things to do and see. What popped up first ???  A Day of the Dead Festival and a ghost tour !!  I am hoping to do the River Walk.

Can't wait to see what else my daughters find!!Non-convention attendees will be tourists during the day ...all of us at night! So glad the hotel has a pool, we will need it to recuperate!!

Sunday, August 7, 2022


 I am still taking it easy... pinched a nerve in my lower back which led to PAIN from my hip to my foot... so took it easy yesterday with regular intakes of acetaminophen. Much better today... spent my recliner time knitting on a bear sweater... still needs buttons and pressing.

Today Bob took off for out elder/ dog owning daughter's house. Harper got out of her wooden - 6 foot - closed  fenced back yard.. Scout didn't go with her but our daughter did get Harper back! Now she and Bob and trying to find out how Harper managed it!!  (turns out she worked her way under the back gate... They blocked that off so Harper won't be able to do that again!)

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Everyone is busy

 My two daughters headed out to a large church in Kansas City which had donated space for Phoenix Family's Operation Backpack! They and lots of other volunteers were going to spend the day filling  about 400 backpacks with supplies for the upcoming school year which starts in about 3 weeks. The backpacks will have paper, pens, rulers, crayons for the little ones, calculators and so on!!

 I imagine everyone will be exhausted by the end... though everyone will have had lunch and a break mid-day...

So what were we doing??? Bob went out let Harper and Scout for a potty break and outdoor time around noon. He also mowed our daughter's ( The dogs' owner) back yard and weed whacked around the fence. When he was done the dogs were more than ready to go back inside...currently it's 90 degrees and the dogs appreciate air conditioning inside just like we do!!

I stayed home... 90  degrees is too much for me ... and worked on pumpkins made from vintage upholstery velvet...

BTW the younger daughter and her family had a great mini get away to Omaha....  here's a photo she sent from the zoo!

Tuesday, August 2, 2022


Today was Missouri's primary day so off we went with our picture id, crib sheets and voter card saying where our polling place was.  Good thing since it had changed !! 

It was quite busy for a primary election. Voters had to wait for an available machine!  My daughter, who votes on the other side of town, said it was the same for her !

Now we all wait...

My daughter, the teacher one, and her family voted and then headed out on a mini vacation to Omaha, Nebraska. On the way they stopped at the Lewis and Clark museum just outside of Omaha.

 They plan on a good long look around  Omaha  and then stay at a motel with a pool which my grand son will love!! Tomorrow up early and off to the Omaha Zoo.  They are looking forward to seeing the sharks fed. The sharks swim in a glass tunnel above one!! They will stay at the zoo until the heat sends them back home!!

News is saying the Missouri's voter turnout is light... not what we saw here in Eastern Jackson County.

Temps hit mid to high 90's this afternoon...yuck!