Tuesday, October 15, 2024


 Woke up cold this morning... needed an additional quilt!! And it hasn't gotten warm today either! There are frost warnings for tomorrow morning.

I am baking a quiche for dinner tonight... we will enjoy having the oven on!!  It has sharp cheddar, Parmesan cheese, chopped ham, onions and red peppers .

We went to the gym this morning... I am managing to increase my laps ( a bit) and  the number of  leg strengthening machine reps. Means I am exhausted when we get  home... especially since we hit the grocery store afterwards. Thanks to Silver Sneakers... the gym membership is free!!

 The quiche turned out well... I swear Bob ate almost half of a 9 inch pie pan of quiche!! There is enough for a cold leftover dinner...

Forgot to publish last night


Saturday, October 12, 2024


 When I noticed today's date ... October 12th... I immediately thought Columbus Day !  But no.. President Biden has declared this year's Columbus Day is Monday Oct. 14th...  Oh well... no mail and other federal things.

Actually I am sort of surprised that there still is a Columbus Day... there has been lots of talk about others arriving to the Western Hemisphere earlier..

It's going to be a much warmer day... 90 degrees as a high. Bob has switched the a/c/ furnace to heat but haven't needed it. 

Later... it did get hot and I turned on a little fan to get the air moving...helped.

Friday, October 11, 2024

little of this and that

We ( the family here in KC) watched and worried about family down in Florida. It looked like our brother-in-law in N Ft. Myers and our niece and her family in Jacksonville were right in Milton's path. No news is good news so we are assuming everything is ok.

Bob has been doing watering duty out at our daughter's house. The dogs are glad to see him and they all sit out on the deck waiting for the time to pass.

I have been puttering around..today's task was to "oil" our front door.. I'd love to paint it some bright eye catching color but Bob won't hear of it. But it had gotten that weathered look and "oil" made it look so much better.

Our two daughters are having a get together tomorrow. They are both so busy that getting together doesn't happen too often. So it's dinner out at the local Chinese buffet and then sitting out on L's deck cocktails in hand... and lots of talk. Happy for the two of them!!


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

quiet day ...errands etc today

Yesterday was a quiet one... everyone rested (!). Bob did go and turn on sprinkler for the allotted 20 plus minutes.

This morning was a gym day... both of us did our thing. Then we came home and changed clothes and will head out on our errands. Pills for me... cat stuff for the cats...return library books. 

 Luckily most of the road work is done and leaving home yesterday was ok

Turning on the sprinklers and giving the dogs some time outside is scheduled for later on.

Forgot to mention that I ended up answering a pollster's questions on the phone last night...The questions were pretty much Missouri ones and abortion ones and a few were Trump but not Biden or Harris. After she was done, she "God Blessed" me.  ??

We don't tend to answer pollsters but ...

Sunday, October 6, 2024

totally whipped

We spent the afternoon redoing our elder daughter's grassless front  lawn.. prepped the dirt... reseeded...peat moss and covered things with a "blanket" made especially for lawn work.  Would have been easier if  the lawn was flat!!

Bob will be going daily to water... Fingers crossed that the grass will grow!

All of us are totally whipped...I didn't feel like cooking or going out for dinner so I made a batch of tunafish for sandwiches . We enjoyed  it and so did the cats. Tuna juice ( the liquid in the can) is the cat's meow!!

Tomorrow is the " stay at home" day while they start on the new road asphalt.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Gorgeous outside

 The weather is wonderful... currently 80 F! Doors open... windows open !

After a trip to Aldi's and Price Chopper I am set to make Debby's stuffed green pepper soup :

 (https://lifesfunnylikethat.blogspot.com/ ) I am considering adding some fresh mushrooms too!

My granddaughter chatted on her hands-free phone on her way home from work. She is a treat and full of all sorts of  "topics" . When she gets home she will spend the afternoon on homework so that she and her husband can go to the Renaissance Festival tomorrow ... over in Kansas, but not to far. They will meet up with friends, enjoy the jousting and share a turkey drumstick ( always big enough for two!). Luckily someone brought in free tickets to work!

The soup was great... added the mushrooms and a dollop of sour cream. Nice to have something new to try!


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Hello October...

 Today starts October... but the weather report says things will be getting warmer on Thursday but today's high 60's is great.. Up and down just like the rest of the past weeks!!

My grandson also had a reaction to the covid test.. managed to make it to two of his required classes but had to email the teachers for the rest...Everyone else didn't have a problem!

I tried a new recipe tonight... good  but not great. The one part that made it worth the try was a batch of polenta. I had never made it before and finding coarse ground cornmeal meant several stores! I ended up with medium ground cornmeal but it worked.

Since I have more cornmeal maybe I will try putting the just cooked polenta in a pan, letting it firm up overnight so it can be sliced and fried. I think I have seen Lydia  on PBS do that.

Tomorrow means a trip downtown KC... haircut time!!